Aquatic Therapy Services

(814) 726.4070


Rehab Works is pleased to offer Aquatic Rehabilitation services to individuals in and around Warren County.  The pool is in-ground and is equipped with an underwater treadmill and hydraulic water current (which essentially allows you to swim in place).  A mechanical lift is located on the side of the pool so that individuals 400 lbs or less will have the capability to enter and exit the water safely without using steps.  Our pool is located in the area adjacent to our current Rehab Works department, formerly the Hospice office location.


Benefits of Aquatic Therapy

  • Decrease pain: Exercises are performed while submersed in 92-degree water, which promotes increased blood supply to sore, thigh muscles.  Additionally, the buoyancy of the water allows those with advanced arthritis or obesity to complete exercises that could not be done pain-free on land.


  • Quicker start to Rehab: Due to the decreased force of gravity in the pool, patients are able to begin strengthening and partial weight-bearing exercises without causing damage to healing tissue.


  • Increased ability to strengthen musculature:  Water is over 600 times more resistive than air, which allows quicker progression in the strengthening of weak muscles. 


  • Improve flexibility:  The water temperature of our pool is maintained at >90 degrees Fahrenheit.  The warm water facilitates muscle relaxation and increases peripheral circulation; stimulates body awareness, balance, and trunk stability.