Empowering Wellness: RehabWorks Pulmonary Rehab Program for Chronic Respiratory Conditions

​RehabWorks Physical Therapy Department’s Pulmonary Rehab Program has been established to promote wellness for patients with chronic respiratory conditions. It can help improve endurance, strength and flexibility. These services are offered for a range of respiratory conditions including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma, Emphysema, Bronchitis, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Pulmonary hypertension, Pre/Post lung Transplantation, Sarcoidosis, Environmental Lung Disease and other respiratory ailments.

​One-on-one treatments and plan of care are performed by Physical Therapists dedicated to reducing shortness of breath and improving your physical condition. Conditioned musclesrequire less oxygen to carry out their function. Patients are taught how to breathe effectively to achieve their maximum potential. Each patient’s pulse oximetry and heart rate are monitored throughout their session in order to chart progress and ensure the most appropriate exercises are performed. Education on topics related to pulmonary rehabilitation and disease processes are available for patients to help remain healthy and manage symptoms.  

​This program is designed to stabilize the effects of respiratory disease processes by giving the patient a better understanding of disease processes, increasing control of breathing, reduce stress, reduce breathlessness, learn energy conservation techniques, decrease fatigue, decrease frequency of hospital visits and admissions, receive emotional support from a team of therapist and acquire independence and successful coping strategies.

​The Pulmonary Rehab Program at RehabWorks can show patients how to stay as healthy as possible even when diagnosed with lung disease, as well as provide encouragement and support. Our treatment and care will help patients manage their breathing conditions, maintain or improve lifestyle, and improve general health.

​A referral from your primary care provider or pulmonologist is required. The program is covered through the Physical Therapy benefit by insurance carriers.

​If you or someone you know would benefit from Pulmonary Rehab, we can help! Please call us at (814) 726-4070 to schedule and evaluation.


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